Ruby Science
Large Class
Most Rails applications suffer from several Large Classes. Large classes are difficult to understand and make it harder to change or reuse behavior. Tests for large classes are slow and churn tends to be higher, leading to more bugs and conflicts. Large classes likely also suffer from divergent change.
- You can’t easily describe what the class does in one sentence.
- You can’t tell what the class does without scrolling.
- The class needs to change for more than one reason.
- The class has more than seven methods.
- The class has a total flog score of 50.
This class has a high flog score, has a large number of methods, more private than public methods and has multiple responsibilities:
# app/models/question.rb
class Question < ActiveRecord::Base
include ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesProtection
SUBMITTABLE_TYPES = %w(Open MultipleChoice Scale).freeze
:maximum, presence: true, if: :scale?
validates :minimum, presence: true, if: :scale?
validates :question_type, presence: true, inclusion: SUBMITTABLE_TYPES
validates :title, presence: true
belongs_to :answers
has_many :options
:options, reject_if: :all_blank
def summary
case question_type
when 'MultipleChoice'
summarize_multiple_choice_answerswhen 'Open'
summarize_open_answerswhen 'Scale'
def steps
def scale?
== 'Scale'
question_type end
def summarize_multiple_choice_answers
= answers.count
total ='COUNT(*) DESC').count
counts = do |text, count|
percents = (100.0 * count / total).round
percent "#{percent}% #{text}"
.join(', ')
def summarize_open_answers
.order(:created_at).pluck(:text).join(', ')
def summarize_scale_answers
sprintf('Average: %.02f', answers.average('text'))
- Move method to move methods to another class if an existing class could better handle the responsibility.
- Extract class if the class has multiple responsibilities.
- Replace conditional with polymorphism if the class contains private methods related to conditional branches.
- Extract value object if the class contains private query methods.
- Extract decorator if the class contains delegation methods.
- Replace subclasses with strategies if the large class is a base class in an inheritance hierarchy.
Following the single responsibility principle will prevent large classes from cropping up. It’s difficult for any class to become too large without taking on more than one responsibility.
Using composition over inheritance makes it easier to create small classes.
If a large portion of the class is devoted to instantiating subclasses, try following the dependency inversion principle.
Following the open/closed principle will prevent large classes by preventing new concerns from being introduced.
You can use flog to analyze classes as you write and modify them:
% flog -a app/models/question.rb
48.3: flog total
6.9: flog/method average
15.6: Question#summarize_multiple_choice_answers app/models/question.rb:38
12.0: Question#none
6.3: Question#summary app/models/question.rb:17
5.2: Question#summarize_open_answers app/models/question.rb:48
3.6: Question#summarize_scale_answers app/models/question.rb:52
3.4: Question#steps app/models/question.rb:28
2.2: Question#scale? app/models/question.rb:34
Private Methods
In general, public methods are a greater liability than private methods. This is because it’s harder to tell where public methods are used, so you need to take greater care when refactoring them. However, a large suite of private methods is also a strong indicator of a large class.
Private methods can’t be reused between classes, which makes it more likely that code will be duplicated. Extracting private methods to new classes makes it easier for developers to do the right thing.
Additionally, private methods can’t be tested directly. This makes it more difficult to write focused, simple unit tests, since the tests will need to go through one or more public methods. The further a test is from the code it tests, the harder it is to understand.
Lastly, private methods are often the easiest to extract to new classes. Large classes can be difficult to split up because of entangled dependencies between public and private methods.
Attempts to extract public methods will frequently halt when shared dependencies are discovered on private methods. Extracting the private behavior of a class into a small, reusable class is often the easiest first step towards splitting up a large class.
Keeping a class’s public interface as small as possible is a best practice. However, keep an eye on your private interface as well. A maze of private dependencies is a good sign that your public interface is not cohesive and can be split into two or more classes.
God Class
A particular specimen of large class affects most Rails applications: the God class. A God class is any class that seems to know everything about an application. It has a reference to the majority of the other models and it’s difficult to answer any question or perform any action in the application without going through this class.
Most applications have two God classes: the user, and the central focus of the application. For a todo list application, it will be user and todo; for photo sharing application, it will be user and photo.
You need to be particularly vigilant about refactoring these classes. If you don’t start splitting up your God classes early on, it will become impossible to separate them without rewriting most of your application.
Treatment and prevention of God classes is the same as for any large class.
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