To ship early and often, a high-functioning product team should steer clear of these common decision-making pitfalls.
Tired of copying and pasting GitHub URLs for Tell Me When It Closes? We’ve got you covered.
Identify and manage your Imposter Syndrome.
Sometimes pull requests are full of noise and it’s difficult to cut through to what matters. Pipe it Down is a Chrome extension to help with that.
Since 2010, we have dedicated Friday every week to “investment time”, unstructured self-directed time undedicated to client work. Here’s how it works and what we’ve learned.
Is your team setup for success? Do they have the tools to deliver working software? Step zero is being able to get setup quickly.
GitHub lets you create pretty tables in Markdown. Keeping those tables pretty in the source code doesn’t have to be painful.
Generate staging environments automatically for each pull request.
Ship faster by starting simple.
Today marks 10 years of writing, editing, and publishing this blog, Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots. Here’s a few things we did along the way to improve our happiness and the quality of the content.