When coming from object-oriented languages, I often hear people ask the question, “How do I organize my code? Modules are just bags of functions!”. That is a question I asked myself as well, but after using Elixir and Elm for a while, I have noticed that there is a principle of organization that I keep using and that I see in the wild. I like to think of it as the principle of attraction.
The principle of attraction
Let data attract behavior.
I don’t suppose I invented this, but the intent behind the principle of attraction is that you should organize your modules and functions (behavior) around data structures and abstractions (data). In Elixir, the principle would tell us to organize our modules and functions around Elixir structs, behaviours, and protocols.
Let’s take a look at an example of a popular Elixir library, Plug. Plug
is a
great library for building web applications. It handles anything (and
everything) related to the request and response. If you come from the Ruby
world, Plug
will remind you of Rack.
At the core of Plug
are two things, a connection struct called Plug.Conn and
a specification for what exactly is a plug. Once you notice those two things,
you will see that all modules and functions revolve around one of those two
First, note that all functions within the Plug.Conn module are related to a connection struct, which is defined inside that very module. But if you take a closer look, you will also see how each of those functions takes in a connection struct.
Here’s a list of a few functions defined in Plug.Conn,
assign(conn, key, value)
put_resp_content_type(conn, content_type, charset)
put_resp_header(conn, key, value)
put_session(conn, key, value)
send_resp(conn, status, body)
Notice a pattern? They all take conn
, the connection struct, as their first
argument, and though you can’t see it, they all return a (modified) connection
They do that because this module revolves around the Plug.Conn
struct. And
passing the connection struct as the first argument allows for composition via
Take a look at this example for interacting with a request,
|> put_session(:current_user, user)
|> put_resp_header(location, "/")
|> put_resp_content_type("text/html")
|> send_resp(302, "You are being redirected")
Very clean, right?
So, the first way to apply the principle of attraction is to organize your modules and functions around the struct that they are modifying. The struct attracts the functions.
Plug as a specification
The second way in which Plug is organized is around the notion of
a plug. That may sound like a tautology, but what I mean is that many Plug
modules make use of a plug or are themselves valid plugs (that is they follow
the Plug
What is the Plug
specification? Glad you asked.
In order for a module to be a valid plug, it must define an init/1
that takes a set of options and returns a set of options, and it must define a
function that takes a connection struct as its first argument, the set
of options as its second one, and it must return a connection struct. A function
plug simply has to abide by the same specification as the call/2
function in
the module plug, taking the connection struct and the options as arguments, and
returning a connection struct.
This is an example of a valid module plug,
defmodule CustomPlug do
def init(opts) do
def call(conn, _opts) do
Now let’s take a look at how Plug
, the library, builds modules around the
notion of plugs.
Plug.Builder is a module in the Plug
library that allows us to define a
pipeline of plugs that will be executed sequentially in the order in which they
are defined. The magic really comes in when many modules in the Plug
are plugs themselves, and can be thus used in such a pipeline.
Let’s look at an example,
defmodule MyPlugPipeline do
use Plug.Builder
plug Plug.Logger
plug Plug.RequestId
plug Plug.Head
plug :hello
def hello(conn, _) do
Plug.Conn.send_resp(conn, 200, "Hello world!")
Note how Plug.Logger, Plug.RequestId, and Plug.Head are themselves plugs
and for that reason can be used in the pipeline provided by Plug.Builder
. We
can also mix and match by defining our own function plug within the module (the
plug :hello
By organizing modules and functions around the plug abstraction, Plug.Builder
allows us to compose rich pipelines with other modules and functions that
satisfy the abstraction.
What next?
I certainly think there are other principles by which to organize your
functional code, but I do recommend keeping this one handy. I have found it to
be quite useful! It even works when modules are nested within other modules. For
example, Plug.Conn does not have all the logic related to a connection struct
in itself. Sometimes it uses other modules that are namespaced under Plug.Conn
like Plug.Conn.Status. But if you look closely, Plug.Conn.Status
also uses
the principle of attraction by having all of its functions deal with the same
piece of data, a status map defined inside the module.